DOMINO Project Progress

The primary goal of the DOMINO research project is to develop a universal, publicly accessible mobility service that is as barrier-free as possible for all users. This will also support the mobility and climate goals of the public sector. New services are to be created in the three pilot regions of Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Salzburg, based on the needs of the users.

In a comprehensive analysis, strategic and organisational requirements for efficiently managing transport infrastructure and means of transport (intermodal mobility) were recorded in the context of the pilot regions of the DOMINO project. This means that important preliminary work has already been done, providing a basis for implementing the project in the future.

To estimate the change potential of users, we identified the target group and developed various decision scenarios. We then designed a specific survey for each pilot region and collected preliminary data in the regions. The results of the survey could already be evaluated initially and they provide important information for the implementation. In the next step, the implications of the survey results for the three pilot regions will be derived and the change potential of the user groups in each pilot region will be examined in more detail.

While recommendations for action for the design of the strategic and organisational framework conditions were being developed, a common vision for the DOMINO project consortium emerged. We can use this to develop different scenarios, demonstrating which measures can change mobility behaviour in Austria through increased consumption of mobility services. In addition, different mobility services and forms have already been analysed and evaluated with regard to their impact.

Existing specifications were evaluated with regard to the technical standardisation of interfaces. The desired integration levels are currently being defined for selected mobility services. Furthermore, the pilot project in Lower Austria includes the conception and testing of possible implementation variants of a mobility guarantee.

The start of the pilot project was postponed due to the COVID situation. However, the organisational and technical preparations are still in full swing.

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The DOMINO project is supported and financed by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection as part of the RTI programme Mobility of the Future and is managed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency.