Lower Austria pilot region (Korneuburg and Wiener Neustadt)

The central element of the new mobility offers in Lower Austria is a ride sharing platform that combines the digital and mobile services of a mobile application (app) with the infrastructure at the Park & Ride facilities.
Carpooling is counted as part of public transport, or rather an MaaS solution, and is integrated into both the information system and the tariff. Season tickets are valid not only on public transport but also for car pools.

The mobility guarantee, the pilot project’s core element, enables carpooling to be booked immediately without having to wait for confirmation. If no car pool is formed, mobility is guaranteed by a (call and shared) taxi.

With Park & Ride facilities, carpooling is preferred due to the current overload. A mobile application is used to reserve a parking space in the facility for car pool providers. In addition, the driver automatically receives a credit for trips that have been made.